Learning to live and love like Jesus is a life-long journey in which we move toward a life centered in loving God and loving others.


Through learning groups and short-term classes we encourage and challenge each other to explore, learn and practice time-tested spiritual disciplines through which God’s Spirit deepens our relationship with Jesus and shapes us into people who live and love more and more like Jesus day by day.   

We hope you will take advantage of the opportunities that Bethel offers and creates to grow and progress in your faith journey.


Bethel Book Study
This group gathers each Sunday at 10:45 (in room #3) to learn how to put their faith in action as they study books by various Christian authors and dig deeper into Scripture.
Christian Perspectives – facilitated by Karl & Diane Schoenefeld

This group gathers each Sunday from 9:00-9:45 am. Each class is designed to explore, support, and engage with other attendees who enjoy the insights, strength, and hope that comes from each sermon series presented by Pastor Adam Hamilton* from Church of the Resurrection. Pastor Adam explains many Bible passages, primarily in the New Testament, and relates them to modern day living, divulging how we can live following Jesus’s examples of a loving, forgiving, and thankful heart. Sermons are pre-recorded. Class is held on Sunday mornings from 9:00-9:45am in the 2nd floor classroom next to the office. All are welcome!

*Pastor Adam Hamilton is the senior pastor at the United Methodist Church of the Resurrection. His sermons, books, blogs, and vespers have been inspiring many Methodists for years and his church has grown phenomenally due to his engaging and inspiring sermons, giving people hope for today and the future.


 Children are invited to join their parents in worship.

Our preschool and early elementary children are taught lessons in Bethel’s Nursery. Bethel’s Nursery is open each Sunday morning during worship and Sunday school. Staffing is provided by a paid worker who is Safe Sanctuary certified.

Bethel UMC Wildwood